Often, you don’t set out to write a package, as if it were the calling of your life…
Californian band that was big for like 20 minutes in the very early 2000s
2014 Canadian crime thriller film adapted from the 2008 novel of the same name by Michael Redhill
Why and how to write a package?
Often, you don’t set out to write a package, as if it were the calling of your life…
In fact, you often start writing your (ugly…) functions because you have a specific problem and need to solve it1…
## Runs the C/E analysis, given matrices of costs and effects from BUGS model## Differential effects and costsdelta.e <- e[,2] - e[,1]delta.c <- c[,2] - c[,1]## Plots the C/E planem.e <-range(delta.e)[1]M.e <-range(delta.e)[2]m.c <-range(delta.c)[1]M.c <-range(delta.c)[2]step <- (M.e-m.e)/10m.e <-ifelse(m.e<0,m.e,-m.e)m.c <-ifelse(m.c<0,m.c,-m.c)x.pt <- .95*m.ey.pt <-ifelse(x.pt*wtp<m.c,m.c,x.pt*wtp)xx <-seq(100*m.c/wtp,100*M.c/wtp,step)yy <- xx*wtpxx[1] <-ifelse(min(xx)<m.e,xx[1],2*m.e)yy[1] <-ifelse(min(yy)<m.c,yy[1],2*m.c)xx[length(xx)] <-ifelse(xx[length(xx)]<M.e,1.5*M.e,xx[length(xx)])if(!is.null(xlim)) {m.e <- xlim[1]; M.e <- xlim[2]}if(!is.null(ylim)) {m.c <- ylim[1]; M.c <- ylim[2]}plot(xx,yy,col="white",xlim=c(m.e,M.e),ylim=c(m.c,M.c),xlab=xlab,ylab=ylab,main=title,axes=F)...
Why and how to write a package?
Often, you don’t set out to write a package, as if it were the calling of your life…
In fact, you often start writing your (ugly…) functions because you have a specific problem and need to solve it…
And then you realise you are using the same functions over and over and over…
But you have to slightly adapt it every time, because the data are not quite the same, or you want a slightly different output, or you want a new output for your next paper…
That’s when you know you need to turn it all into a package!
# Uses `devtools` to create the package skeletondevtools::create("testPackage",open =TRUE)
✔ Creating 'testPackage/'
✔ Setting active project to '/home/gianluca/erasmus/testPackage'
✔ Creating 'R/'
Package: testPackage
Title: What the Package Does (One Line, Title Case)
Authors@R (parsed):
* First Last <first.last@example.com> [aut, cre] (YOUR-ORCID-ID)
Description: What the package does (one paragraph).
License: `use_mit_license()`, `use_gpl3_license()` or friends to
pick a license
Encoding: UTF-8
Roxygen: list(markdown = TRUE)
RoxygenNote: 7.3.1
✔ Writing 'NAMESPACE'
✔ Writing 'testPackage.Rproj'
✔ Adding '^testPackage\\.Rproj$' to '.Rbuildignore'
✔ Adding '.Rproj.user' to '.gitignore'
✔ Adding '^\\.Rproj\\.user$' to '.Rbuildignore'
✔ Opening '/home/gianluca/erasmus/testPackage/' in new RStudio session
✔ Setting active project to '<no active project>'
This creates the skeleton for your new testPackage
R folder
(Aside) :: vs ::: vs library()…
Functions in a package can be accessed in different ways (and giving/using different levels of access)
You (the developer) can choose what you make available (directly) for your users
That’s a file in which you explicitly “export” functions from your package to the outside world
In reality, devtools can do a lot of the heavy-lifting for you…
Example: BCEA NAMESPACE file
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by handS3method("CEriskav<-",bcea)S3method("CEriskav<-",default)S3method("mixedAn<-",bcea)S3method("mixedAn<-",default)S3method("setComparisons<-",bcea)S3method("setComparisons<-",default)S3method("setKmax<-",bcea)S3method("setKmax<-",default)S3method("setReferenceGroup<-",bcea)S3method("setReferenceGroup<-",default)S3method(bcea,bugs)S3method(bcea,default)S3method(bcea,rjags)S3method(bcea,rstan)S3method(ceac.plot,bcea)S3method(ceaf.plot,pairwise)S3method(ceef.plot,bcea)S3method(ceplane.plot,bcea)S3method(contour,bcea)S3method(contour2,bcea)S3method(createInputs,bugs)S3method(createInputs,data.frame)S3method(createInputs,default)S3method(createInputs,numeric)S3method(createInputs,rjags)S3method(createInputs,stanfit)S3method(eib.plot,bcea)S3method(evi.plot,bcea)S3method(evi.plot,mixedAn)S3method(evppi,bcea)S3method(evppi,default)S3method(ib.plot,bcea)S3method(info.rank,bcea)S3method(line_labels,default)S3method(line_labels,pairwise)S3method(multi.ce,bcea)S3method(plot,CEriskav)S3method(plot,bcea)S3method(plot,evppi)S3method(plot,mixedAn)S3method(print,bcea)S3method(sim_table,bcea)S3method(sim_table,default)S3method(summary,bcea)S3method(summary,mixedAn)S3method(summary,pairwise)export("CEriskav<-")export("mixedAn<-")export("setComparisons<-")export("setKmax<-")export("setReferenceGroup<-")export(bcea)export(best_interv_given_k)export(ce_table)export(ceac.plot)export(ceaf.plot)export(ceef.plot)export(ceplane.plot)export(compute_CEAC)export(compute_EIB)export(compute_EVI)export(compute_IB)export(compute_ICER)export(compute_U)export(compute_Ustar)export(compute_kstar)export(compute_ol)export(compute_vi)export(contour)export(contour2)export(createInputs)export(diag.evppi)export(eib.plot)export(evi.plot)export(evppi)export(ib.plot)export(info.rank)export(info_rank_plotly)export(is.bcea)export(line_labels)export(make.report)export(make_legend_plotly)export(mce.plot)export(multi.ce)export(new_bcea)export(prep_ceplane_params)export(setComparisons)export(sim_table)export(struct.psa)export(tabulate_means)export(validate_bcea)import(dplyr)import(ggplot2)import(grid)import(reshape2)importFrom(MASS,kde2d)importFrom(MCMCvis,MCMCchains)importFrom(Matrix,Matrix)importFrom(Matrix,expm)importFrom(Rdpack,reprompt)importFrom(cli,cli_alert_warning)importFrom(dplyr,arrange)importFrom(dplyr,desc)importFrom(dplyr,filter)importFrom(dplyr,mutate)importFrom(dplyr,slice)importFrom(grDevices,colors)importFrom(grDevices,colours)importFrom(grDevices,dev.new)importFrom(grDevices,devAskNewPage)importFrom(grDevices,grey.colors)importFrom(grDevices,pdf.options)importFrom(grDevices,ps.options)importFrom(graphics,abline)importFrom(graphics,axis)importFrom(graphics,barplot)importFrom(graphics,box)importFrom(graphics,contour)importFrom(graphics,legend)importFrom(graphics,lines)importFrom(graphics,matlines)importFrom(graphics,matplot)importFrom(graphics,par)importFrom(graphics,points)importFrom(graphics,polygon)importFrom(graphics,rect)importFrom(graphics,text)importFrom(grid,unit)importFrom(gridExtra,grid.arrange)importFrom(purrr,keep)importFrom(purrr,list_cbind)importFrom(purrr,map)importFrom(purrr,map_int)importFrom(purrr,map_lgl)importFrom(purrr,pluck)importFrom(reshape2,melt)importFrom(rlang,.data)importFrom(rlang,int)importFrom(rstan,extract)importFrom(scales,label_dollar)importFrom(stats,as.formula)importFrom(stats,cov)importFrom(stats,density)importFrom(stats,lm)importFrom(stats,qnorm)importFrom(stats,qqline)importFrom(stats,qqnorm)importFrom(stats,quantile)importFrom(stats,reorder)importFrom(stats,rnorm)importFrom(stats,runif)importFrom(stats,sd)importFrom(stats,setNames)importFrom(utils,methods)importFrom(utils,modifyList)importFrom(utils,str)importFrom(utils,tail)
Functions that are exported are directly available when you load a package onto your workspace, using the library(package) command
OR, even without loading the package (assuming it’s installed in your R installation), you can still access the exposed functions using the “::” notation
Functions that are not exposed (so the user may not even know they exist…), can still be accessed using the “:::” notation
Doing the package
Now start editing the DESCRIPTION file (to add your details and more info on the project/package)
Doing the package
Now start editing the DESCRIPTION file (to add your details and more info on the project/package)
And, in the R folder, start writing your functions is suitable .R files
#' Helper function to make the Kaplan-Meier analysis of the underlying data#' for a given formula and dataset#' #' @param formula a formula specifying the model to be used, in the form#' \code{Surv(time,event)~treatment[+covariates]} in flexsurv terms, or#' \code{inla.surv(time,event)~treatment[+covariates]} in INLA terms.#' @param method A string specifying the inferential method (\code{'mle'},#' \code{'inla'} or \code{'hmc'}). If \code{method} is set to \code{'hmc'},#' then \code{survHE} will write suitable model code in the Stan language#' (according to the specified distribution), prepare data and initial values#' and then run the model.#' @param data A data frame containing the data to be used for the analysis.#' This must contain data for the 'event' variable. In case there is no#' censoring, then \code{event} is a column of 1s.#' @return \item{ObjSurvfit}{A 'rms::npsurv' estimate of the KM curves}.#' @author Gianluca Baio#' @seealso fit.models#' @template refs#' @keywords Kaplan-Meier estimate #' @noRd #' make_KM <-function(formula,data) { km.formula <-as.formula(gsub("inla.surv","Surv",deparse(formula)))# Computes the Kaplan Meier curve using the package "rms" ObjSurvfit <- rms::npsurv( # Uses the function "npsurv" from the package "rms"formula = km.formula, # to fit the model specified in the "formula" objectdata = data # to the dataset named "data" )return(ObjSurvfit)}
Doing the package
In the file man-roxygen/refs.R…
#' @references G Baio (2019). survHE: Survival analysis for health economic evaluation #' and cost-effectiveness modelling. Journal of Statistical Software (2020). vol 95,#' 14, 1-47. <doi:10.18637/jss.v095.i14>
NB: You can also add a .bib file with all the relevant references you want to use (in bibtex format) in the folder /inst/REFERENCES.bib and then in your documentation
When you’re done with all the functions, you can create the full documentation, using devtools and roxygen
#' Run `devtools::document` to run `roxygen` in the background and generate#' the relevant documentation. All the files will be stored in `.Rd` format#' under the `man` folder in your package directorydevtools::document()
Can be very helpful if you have lots of published work that you’ll want to refer to for many of the functions…
Doing the package
When you’re done with all the functions, you can create the full documentation, using devtools and roxygen
#' Run `devtools::document` to run `roxygen` in the background and generate#' the relevant documentation. All the files will be stored in `.Rd` format#' under the `man` folder in your package directorydevtools::document()
Can be very helpful if you have lots of published work that you’ll want to refer to for many of the functions…
Can also do other things to the package…
#' If there are examples embedded in the `roxygen` code for documentation, then#' can automatically run themdevtools::run_examples()#' "Check" the package as if it were to be submitted to CRANdevtools::check()#' Installs the package **locally*devtools::install()
Doing the package
When you’re done with all the functions, you can create the full documentation, using devtools and roxygen
#' Run `devtools::document` to run `roxygen` in the background and generate#' the relevant documentation. All the files will be stored in `.Rd` format#' under the `man` folder in your package directorydevtools::document()
Can be very helpful if you have lots of published work that you’ll want to refer to for many of the functions…
Can also do other things to the package…
#' If there are examples embedded in the `roxygen` code for documentation, then#' can automatically run themdevtools::run_examples()#' "Check" the package as if it were to be submitted to CRANdevtools::check()#' Installs the package **locally*devtools::install()
Doing the package
When you’re done with all the functions, you can create the full documentation, using devtools and roxygen
#' Run `devtools::document` to run `roxygen` in the background and generate#' the relevant documentation. All the files will be stored in `.Rd` format#' under the `man` folder in your package directorydevtools::document()
Can be very helpful if you have lots of published work that you’ll want to refer to for many of the functions…
Can also do other things to the package…
#' If there are examples embedded in the `roxygen` code for documentation, then#' can automatically run themdevtools::run_examples()#' "Check" the package as if it were to be submitted to CRANdevtools::check()#' Installs the package **locally*devtools::install()
Package management
One of the most complex/confusing things working with R and packages is to deal with dependencies
Your package may be interconnected to others
psa_bootstrap <-function(x,num_reps) {# Here compute bootstraps estimateslibrary(boot) sims=boot(data=x,statistic=mean,R=num_reps,...) ...}
So, in this case, you need to make sure that boot is installed on your computer (and in general the user’s computer)!
It’s actually a very bad idea to use library(xxx) within a package — you would fail syntax controls when submitting to CRAN (more on this later!)
Use :: instead
Also better as you will be forced to remember what package’s functions you are using…
NB: Can use devtools::install_dependencies to try and automate the installation of all the required packages to run yours…
Have a much quicker process of updating without the hold ups of CRAN…
Users can install from “remote”
Speaking of… version controlling
Over and above how effective this can be to develop a package, version control has become an increasingly important and helpful feature of computer programming
Very good for collaboration…
… Or even just for “solo” projects!
Avoid the infamous package_version_2_2024_04_22_final_new_GB.R file diaspora…
Make your R package folder a .git repository
Get your head around the git syntax and philosophy (some entry barrier…)
Basically just keep one version of the current files, but track the development history
Can always revert to previous versions if needs be
Collaborators can “fork” and have their own version, work on “branches” of the project, etc…
And when you do, you really can’t do without!… 😉
Speaking of… version controlling
Can you please fix the package?…
Having the package on GitHub allows you to respond very quickly to requests for changes/bug alerts etc
Can discuss the issue and then (if you actually have time on the day… 😉) fix the problem, make changes and tell your users to install the new “development” version1
You can write a .Rmd/.qmd file with the code/text of the vignette and store it in the ./vignettes folder in your package
Using pkgdown this is parsed and suitable html vignettes are created for your users!
---title: "Risk Aversion Analysis"output: rmarkdown::html_vignettevignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Risk Aversion Analysis} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown}editor_options: chunk_output_type: console---```{r}#| include: falseknitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE,comment = "#>",fig.width = 6)``````{r}#| label: setup-example#| results: 'hide'#| message: false #| warning: false #| echo: falselibrary(BCEA)library(dplyr)library(reshape2)library(ggplot2)library(purrr)```Set-up analysis using smoking cessation data set.```{r}data(Smoking)treats <- c("No intervention", "Self-help", "Individual counselling", "Group counselling")bcea_smoke <- bcea(eff, cost, ref = 4, interventions = treats, Kmax = 500)```Run the risk aversion analysis straight away with both the base R and ggplot2 versions of plots.```{r}r <- c(0, 0.005, 0.020, 0.035)CEriskav(bcea_smoke) <- rplot(bcea_smoke)plot(bcea_smoke, graph = "ggplot")```Notice that the first value is asymptotically zero but the function handles that for us.Previously, you had to use something like 1e-10 which was a bit awkward.Now we modify the comparison group so that it doesn't contain 2 ("self-help") anymore.We still keep the same first comparison though "no intervention"....